Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tagged, Torchon and Tatting

I've been tagged! Hi Tatting Chic, I am happy to take your challenge.
So....folder 5, photo 5 is...
This fountain, which is situated in Launceston's Civic Square and often a target for pranksters. A little detergent gives the fountain an "icy feel". While it looks rather fantastic in real life, the detergent does damage the pumps. I took this pic 18 months ago, so it is probably about due to 'happen' again :)
Now, to choose 5 Bloggy friends to tag :)
Here is your mission should you choose to accept it:
The rules are:
1. go to your documents/pictures.
2. go to your 5th file.
3. go to your 5th picture.
4. blog about it.
5. tag 5 people.

If you choose to do it, have fun ladies! :)
Now, to the Torchon :)
Here is my completed Letter L, taken off the pillow this morning. The pricking was my first attempt at designing - at least I adapted a design from Rosemary Shepherd.
Here are the 3 completed letters together...only the C to go!
The pricking is made so I just need to decide on a colour and get into it :) I have also made a pricking for the Porty Penguin - school logo - to go with the letters in the school display, which will happen sometime in second term (June - September) probably. I am hoping to let the children have a go at helping me complete Porty, then I will present it in a frame for the school to keep.

Ebonee's hairband is growing slowly :)

Right now she is peeling the vegies for tea, and then she wants to make an apple crumble for dessert:)

Lamb Roast with homemade gravy, fresh vegies and crispy roast potatoes, followed by homemade apple crumble
MMMMM mmmmmmm
And finally, some tatting - Lisbeth is progressing slowly!

Another long post - making up for the once a week opportunity, so if you have made it to here, thanks for reading! Please leave a comment, Ebonee and I appreciate the thoughts of like minded crafty people and encouragement is a tip top compliment :)

Have a wonderful day and keep smiling ... it is most catching :)


Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

WOW! All three letters are beautiful! I can't wait to see how the C turns out!

Ebonee's hairband is coming along great! I love the color!

The doily is looking good, too! Oh, my! Now I'm inspired to make lace today!

Unknown said...

What an interesting photo. I think that I thought pranks like that were kind of funny earlier. I feel bad for whoever has to clean up thngs like that!

Your lace letters are pretty! I look forward to seeing "LACE" spelled out! It will look cool!

All your lace pieces are lovely!

Adriana Ortiz said...

Wow, what a present for a school!! Thank you for show Lace to the kids.
Mmmmm, how the C will be ???
All the pieces are beautiful !!
Now, let me see what I have in my 5th file,I have homework to do.
Thank you Laura.
