It seems ages since I posted last, and there is still not much to report! I am working on several pieces of lace, but unfortunately I cannot share for 1 reason and another.
Progress report:
Tatting - 14 of 30 outside motifs complete on the doily...will share after early October!
- waiting on thread for the next lot of quanti's for the 25 motif challenge.
Bobbin lace - Beds mat...only about 20 ends to sew pic when done.
- Just started - hankie edging, own design in Oliver Twists thread...coming up sooooo well, I intend to enter it in the local show in October - hence no pics, sorry :(
And the quilts are also coming along...126 dingies awaiting being turned into sailboats and hexagons forming flowers at top speed!
So, something I can share is my newfound passion for ATCs...Artist Trading Cards!
What fun! You make a 3 1/2 inch by 2 1/2 inch card using whatever artistic medium turns you on, then trade them with fellow artists! No selling - trade only! Here are my first 4 attempts...the only way to improve is make more. Besides, it is such an interesting way to use up all the false starts and scrappy bits :)

Don't forget to smile today...someone having a bad day just might see it and feel heaps better!
I love your ATCs! Maybe when school gets out for the summer, I'll get my sewing room cleaned again so that I can try them out.
Love the tatting on the ATC's! :)
would you like to trade, I need an excuse to exercise my hands :-)
I would love to trade, how do we do this? My fave is the top right hand one if it is still available.
Hi Jane,
And welcome. The top right card is yours! Sue, I sent an email, would love to trade :) Diane, let me know when you get started, I would love to trade with you too. Cheers.
I have heard of ATC, but never look at it seriously. Very colourful ones you have done. My favourite is the the top right-hand corner one. I gather one side of the ATC is decorated, but what about the other side of the card ? Is it also usually decorated or written with our info ?
Hi Ellen,
I'm afraid the top right card is on its way to W.A. but I will be making some more soon. The back of the card has written details - name, contact, title, number...that sort of thing. Each card must measure 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches and can be decorated in any medium you wish. It is a great way to use up all your lace bits and mega fun to trade...just thinking of the friends you make all over the world is exciting :)
Ooops, sorry Jane...that card is on its way to the U.K.
Pretty little ATC's. I read about these cards sometime ago and thought it would be fun to get into this too. I was wondering since your ATC;s are on fabric, how do you put your contact info on the back? With a permanent marker?
Have a great day!
What a neat idea! I'm thinking I'm going to have to try this art form. When I do I'll be a back to ask if you'll trade with me.
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